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Wrens (Reception & Year One)

Welcome to Wrens

Our Wrens are a mixture of Reception and Year One children. This means that they are following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) with some National Curriculum opportunities.

The children’s learning is planned with them so that it is relevant to them. The classroom is set up to be as flexible as possible (an enabling environment) and the children are encouraged to be independent learners within it.

Click for the Curriculum_Map_KS1

Parent Leaflet-Year1

Wrens' Spring Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Please click to read a letter from Miss Wright

Wrens' Autumn Curriculum Overview    2024-25

Please click to read a letter from Miss Wright

Wrens' Summer Curriculum Overview 2023-24

Please click here to read a letter from Miss Price

Wrens' Spring Curriculum Overview

Please click here to read a letter from Miss Price

Wrens' Autumn Curriculum Overview 2023-24

Please click here to read the Autumn letter from Miss Price.