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Modern Foreign Language (MFL)

MFL Curriculum Statement

What Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) looks like in Goodrich CE Primary School

Four basic elements run through our whole curriculum.

Through the Languages curriculum we foster Achieve, Believe, Care and TIPTOP to enable every child to be the best they can be.


Our curriculum sets out: the significant and key knowledge that pupils should know and remember as well as the skills that the children will develop and build on; the key concepts that children will return to in different contexts and year groups; the prior learning that the children can build on; the vocabulary that will be introduced as well as the sequencing and progression of the units to be taught.

The importance of Languages (MFL) at Goodrich CE Primary School

At Goodrich CE (VC) Primary School, we aspire to be linguists! Learning languages opens doors to experiencing and immersing in different cultures. Through learning a language, children develop a curiosity of other countries and their cultures, thus increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. Our languages curriculum, along with our TIPTOP values and ‘achieve, believe, care’ enable our children to develop their knowledge, understanding and confidence to communicate in another language. This will empower children as global citizens and develop tolerance, respect and understanding of all cultures and languages.

What Languages (MFL) looks like in our school:

  • Opportunities to learn about life in another country, developing an awareness of cultural similarities and differences.
  • Opportunities to explore and experiment with the new language.
  • Speaking and listening activities to develop confidence in pronunciation, speaking and listening skills.
  • Enjoyable and fun activities and songs to foster an interest in learning another language.
  • Grammar activities which reinforce and develop their understanding of their own language.
  • Children working independently, in pairs or in groups.
  • As children progress, they become proficient in listening, speaking, reading, writing and the formation of the language.
  • Opportunities to communicate in the language.
  • Cross curricular and discrete language lessons.

Our philosophy:

  • The delivery of our Languages curriculum, along with our whole school values of Achieve, Believe, Care enable our children to develop their skills, understanding and ability.
  • Children learning languages through enjoyable and fun activities.
  • Using the children’s understanding as a starting point.
  • Making links to the world around us, developing an awareness of cultural similarities and differences in different countries.
  • High quality modelling of French learning.
  • Promoting the use of speaking a different language throughout the school day (e.g. registration).
  • Cross-curricular links where possible, which builds on children’s prior and current learning to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the subject.
  • To foster a healthy curiosity in our children and a passion for languages.
  • Our high-quality scheme of work educates, engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to develop their knowledge of a new language and communicate with it.
  • Children use their knowledge of the foreign language with growing confidence, both to understand what they hear and read, and to express themselves in speech and writing.
  • We want our children to enjoy their language (French) lessons and embrace the opportunities they are presented with, without fear of judgement from others.
  • Acquire, through all of the above, a sound basis for further study at Key Stage 3 and beyond. 


Language is all around them and integral to their daily being. The children will explore languages and their understanding of the world, people and communities through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities.

By the end of Key Stage 1 children will:

Children will have opportunities through cross-curricular links to:

  • Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.
  • Explore different ways to greet people in other languages.
  • Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes.
  • Explore the similarities and differences between different countries and cultures.

By the end of KS2 children will:

  • Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words.
  • Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
  • Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help.
  • Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures.
  • Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases.
  • Present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences.
  • Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.
  • Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.
  • Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including those using a dictionary.
  • Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly.
  • Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing.


As part of the National Curriculum, all Key Stage 2 pupils must learn another language during school time. At Goodrich CE Primary School, we have chosen to teach languages through the medium of French to all children within Key Stage 2.

This is how it works:

  • Lessons provided through discrete French lessons by a language specialist in all key stage 2 classes.
  • MFL is taught in a weekly lesson
  • Language teaching in Early Years and Key Stage 1 is ad hoc and informal. E.g. children are encouraged to answer the register in a different language.
  • Each lesson will have an aspect of speaking, listening and writing and will start with a revision of language learned previously.
  • Some work will be evidenced in MFL books or on Seesaw.
  • Clear progression of skills developed throughout key stage 2.
  • Progression of knowledge and vocabulary developed over a two year cycle.

This is what adults do:

  • Create a learning environment that supports learning and engages the children’s interests in the area that is being studied.
  • Create a positive learning environment to encourage confidence to communicate in the learnt language.
  • Language specialist plans and delivers lessons which develop core language communicative skills and build on prior knowledge.
  • Support, encourage, foster and nurture a love of languages, including French throughout the school.
  • Give wider extra-curricular opportunities through collective worships, celebrations from different countries and cultures.
  • Learning walks/monitoring to ensure that MFL is being taught and there are opportunities throughout the school day that encourage children to practice vocabulary.
  • Listen to staff and pupil feedback.

This is how we support:

  • We teach languages to all children, whatever their ability, to ensure that all children are provided with a broad and balanced education.
  • Work might be supported so that all children are able to meet the learning objective in activities suitable to their own individual needs.
  • Language specialist provides learning opportunities matched to the needs of children with learning difficulties and address any barriers to an individual’s learning or their ability to take part in any activity.
  • Range of equipment, resources and activities so children can make progress e.g. word lists.
  • Small group/1:1 adult support given where required.
  • These children will then receive additional support or resources to use in order for them to successfully meet the learning objective.
  • Give wider opportunities for performance e.g. other classes, collective worships.

How do we challenge children in Languages?

  • Lessons will be differentiated through challenge or support.
  • Additional activities to stretch the learning within the lesson and further develop certain skills or techniques.
  • Children will be given the opportunity to support their peers with spoken and written language further embedding their own knowledge.
  • Record themselves speaking using Seesaw.

How do we ensure all children can access the Languages curriculum?

  • Children who have SEN or EAL needs are introduced to specific subject relevant language prior to the lesson.
  • Seating children alongside good role models to support one another or working in groups to enable children to practise language skills.
  • By providing equipment and resources (practical and visual) relevant to each individual child, e.g. templates, vocabulary necessary for writing, writing frames.


The impact of children’s progress and their ability to know more and remember more will be visible through a range of methods. These may include end of unit assessments or quizzes, spoken responses, progress over time in pupils’ MFL books, Seesaw, extended writing or even an end of unit project.

What will you see in MFL?

  • Happy and engaged learners
  • Children who are self-motivated and eager to learn new words in a different language
  • Confident children who are willing to communicate in the language that they are learning
  • Engagement and perseverance
  • TIPTOP Learning
  • Individual, pair and group work
  • Children sharing and reflecting on their learning
  • Independent working from children, as well as often making their own decisions on their learning
  • Themed days to give the children the opportunity to learn about aspects of a country/culture in a meaningful context.
  • Curious children who ask questions, take risks and participate in discussions.
  • Children developing their own cultural capital with a growing awareness of their place in the local, national and international community.

How do we know how well our children are doing in MFL?

  • Mistakes/misconceptions are picked up and addressed during lessons.
  • Marking and feedback by teacher, peers and self-marking.
  • Monitoring in Art and Design includes MFL book scrutiny, lesson observations and/or learning walks, and pupil/staff/parent voice interviews conducted by the Languages lead.
  • Evaluation and feedback by teachers and peers.
  • Photographic/video evidence included in children’s MFL books/Seesaw/school website/Twitter.

What do we do with the assessment data we collect?

  • Informal judgements based on observations during lessons.
  • Summative assessment is conducted termly by class teachers.
  • These judgements then inform the end of year level the children are working at.

How do we know that our children are flourishing in MFL?

  • Children who enjoy Languages and French lessons.
  • Children who can confidently discuss their learning and progress in French/Languages.
  • Reflective learners.
  • Increasingly resilient learners.
  • Children who are prepared to share the learning they have acquired in a variety of ways such as engaging in conversations, asking/answering questions, expression their opinions and responding to others, reading, writing etc.
  • Children who listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
  • Children who appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.
  • Children who broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary.
  • Children who are able to talk about some cultural similarities and differences they have discovered.


What is Cultural Capital?

The National Curriculum defines cultural capital as: ‘the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement’. This powerful knowledge can be split into two categories: powerful subject knowledge and powerful personal knowledge.

Powerful Subject Knowledge in Languages

  • The MFL National Curriculum
  • The knowledge of how and why people need to understand other languages and cultures.
  • The knowledge of local, national and worldwide events and their importance on society.

Powerful Personal Knowledge in Languages

  • The celebration of international languages day.
  • Experience French culture: food, music, festivals and stories.
  • Nurture a tolerance and understand the similarities and differences of other cultures to their own.
  • Celebrate and experience occasions from different countries and cultures e.g. Chinese New Year, Diwali, St. David’s Day.

MFL Progression Document








Year A


Bonjour! /Salut!

Comment tu t'appelles?

Pourquoi on apprend le français?

Où se trouve la France?

Greetings and saying your name

Asking others their name / introducing some animals with puppets

Why we learn French and where else in

the world French is spoken.

Looking at France on a map of Europe and the world

s'appeller (je, tu)

Bonjour/ Salut

Au revoir


Bonne nuit

Je m'appelle + 10 animals

Comment tu t'appelles?



Je, u







Comment ça va?


Saying how you feel



Ça va?                                      ça va (très) bien

ça va (très) mal                      comme ci comme ça

Ç          Soft "c"


Les chiffres


Saying your age

Asking others their age

avoir verb          1,2,3

inversion of verb and

subject in the question

Quel âge as - tu?                       J'ai..

tu as..                                          il a…./elle a …..

numbers (1-12)



Saying if you like halloween or not and why

Tu aimes….?

J'aime…...   Je n'aime pas…

J'adore…..  Je déteste…...


car c'est…....

l'araignée, la citrouille, la toile, la bougie,

la sorcière, la lune, la chuve-souris, le balai,

le squelette, le chapeau, le chat, le fantôme,

les bonbons, les sucettes.

effrayant, nul, amusant.

é   è

citrouille like grenouille!


Les couleurs


What colour is it?

C'est de quelle couleur?



bleu(e)             jaune             rouge              orange

marron           blanc(he)       noir(e)            rose

violet(te)      vert(e)             gris(e)    


Mon école


Tu aimes aller à l'école?




(classroom instructions)

J'aime /Je n'aime pas

J'adore / Je déteste

aller à l'école car c'est….....


Imperative of verbs

Fantastique   chouette       super               cool


Regardez / écoutez / Ouvrez vos cahiers etc.






Dans mon sac à dos

Describing what's in your rucksack


Je n'ai pas de…

Putting colours from previous

topic with objects

Adjectival agreements

un crayon     un cahier       un feutre

un stylo        un livre         des ciseaux

un taille-crayon                 une trouss            

un bâton de colle            une gommeune règle              ma trousse

un / une



Comparing Christmas in

the UK with France.

vouloir verb=to wish/want

je voudrais I would like

masc/ fem

des cadeaux

des bonbons

Christmas vocab un / une



Vive le sport

Tu aimes le sport?


Je n'aime pas

J'adore/Je déteste….....


car c'est…..

(positive + negative reasons)

(revision from mon école topic)

Variety of activities               

la natation     le vélo                  le basket

la dansele rugby etc.                        le cyclisme   

le foot/le tennis                 le badminton


bon pour la santé / fantastique /amusant /nul /ennuyeux etc.






é sound

La Nourriture

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger/boire?

J'aime manger/boire …..

Je n'aime pas manger/ boire…..

fruits and vegetables= des fruits et des légumes

sugary things= des sucreries



Joyeuses Pâques!

Comparing Easter in the UK to France

Revision of J'aime/Je n'aime pas


Tu aimes..?

les poules            les oeufs en chocolat

le chocolat           les bonbons

les poussins         les lapins

la chasse aux oeufs    les agneaux

les pâquerettes    les cloches

silent "t"

silent "s"

un oeuf

des oeufs








Year B



Comment tu t'appelles?


Ça va

Warm up conversation

Saying your name

Asking others their name

Saying how you feel and asking

others how they are

s'appeller 1,2,3

Je m'appelle…

il s'appelle…

elle s'appelle…

Ça va?


Bonjour / salut/ bonsoir

Ça va (très) bien

Ça va (très) mal

Comme çi comme ça


les animaux - puppets

Introducing animals

il s'appelle../elle s'appelle....

chien, hippopotame, grenouille, éléphant, ours, canard, lapin, panda, vache, souris


La coupe du Monde






Saying if you like halloween or not

and why

Tu aimes….?

J'aime…...   Je n'aime pas…

J'adore…..  Je déteste…...

plurals - les squelettes etc.

l'araignée, la citrouille, la toile, la bougie,

la sorcière, la lune, la chauve-souris, le balai,  le squelette, le chapeau, le chat, le fantôme, les bonbons, les sucettes


car c'est…....    effrayant, nul, amusant

é   è

citrouille like grenouille!


As-tu un animal à la maison?


Avoir verb



il a ../elle a....

il s'appelle.../elle s'appelle....

un chien, un chat, un hamster, un serpent, un oiseau, un lapin,

un cochon d'Inde, un poisson.

une souris, une tortue


Les couleurs

Saying what is the colour

of your pet.

Etre verb

il est....

elle est......

colour after noun

masc and fem noun agreements

bleu(e), noir(e), orange, vert(e), rose, rouge, blanc(he), gris(e), jaune, violet(te),



Les chiffres (1-12)

Saying your age

Quel âge as-tu?

(asking others)

J'ai ....

il a ...../ elle a ......ans

numbers (1-12)



Christmas in France

Je voudrais….

vouloir verb

Je voudrais…

Il/ elle voudrait….

des cadeaux                    le sapin

des bonbons

des chocolats               



Mon école

Tu aimes aller à l'école?

Dans ma trousse

Saying what subjects you like to

study and dislike to study!


Qu'est-ce que tu aimes étudier à l'école?

J'aime / Je n'aime pas…

J'ai …/Je n'ai pas de…..

J'aime étudier

Je n'aime pas étudier…

car c'est super / fantastique etc.

un stylo / un crayon etc.

les maths, les sciences, la géographie, l'anglais etc.


car c'est ….adjectives

utile/ amusant/facile

difficile/ nul/ ennuyeux


Joyeuses Pâques!

Easter in France

J'aime/Je n'aime pas

J'espère trouver…....

J'espère voir…......

les cloches, les lapins etc.

les oeufs en chocolat

mes grand-parents, mes tantes, mes oncles, mes cousins



Vive le sport

Tu aimes le sport?

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?

J'aime le foot/ le rugby

J'aime jouer…   vb + infinitive

Je n'aime pas faire…

Je n'aime pas jouer….

Variety of activities

faire de la natation     faire du vélo

faire du jogging     faire de la danse

faire du ski

faire du canoë-kayak

jouer au foot/tennis

jouer au badminton

hide and seek= jouer à cache-cache

skipping= sauter à la corde

jouer à la marelle= hop scotch



Bon pour la santé

Mauvais pour la santé

healthy/unhealthy foods and drinks

J'aime manger…

Je n'aime pas manger..

J'aime boire….

Je n'aime pas boire….

car c'est…...

fruits and vegetables= des fruits et des légumes

sugary things= des sucreries

fatty foods

fizzy drinks

water =de l'eau


bon / mauvais pour la santé












Year A


Bonjour! /Salut!

Comment tu t'appelles?

Pourquoi on apprend le français?

Où se trouve la France?

Greetings and saying your name

Asking others their name

Why we learn French and where else in

the world French is spoken.

Looking at France on a map of Europe and the world

s'appeller (je, tu)

Bonjour/ Salut

Au revoir


Bonne nuit

Je m'appelle

Comment tu t'appelles?

Je, u


Comment ça va?

Saying how you feel


Ça va?

ça va (très) bien

ça va (très) mal

comme ci comme ça


Soft "c"



Les chiffres


Saying your age

Asking others their age

avoir verb


inversion of verb and

subject in the question

Quel âge as - tu?


tu as..

il a…./elle a …..

numbers (1-12)




Saying if you like halloween or not and why

Tu aimes….?

J'aime…...   Je n'aime pas…

J'adore…..  Je déteste…...


car c'est…....

l'araignée, la citrouille, la toile, la bougie,

la sorcière, la lune, la chuve-souris, le balai,

le squelette, le chapeau, le chat, le fantôme,

les bonbons, les sucettes.


effrayant, nul, amusant.

é   è

citrouille like grenouille!



Les couleurs

What colour is it?

C'est de quelle couleur?



bleu(e)      jaune         rouge                 orange

marron     blanc(he)  noir(e)           rose

violet(te)  vert(e)      gris(e)    





Mon école

Tu aimes aller à l'école?




(classroom instructions)

J'aime /Je n'aime pas

J'adore / Je déteste

aller à l'école car c'est….....


imperative verb forms

fantastique       nul              enuyeux

chouette            super         cool



regardez / levez-vous etc.



Dans mon sac à dos

Describing what's in your rucksack

Il y a…

Il n'y a pas de…..(negatives)

Putting colours from previous

topic with objects.

Adjectival agrreements


un crayon            un cahier

un stylo               un livre

un taille-crayon  un feutre

des ciseaux         un bâton de colle

ma trousse         une trousse

une gomme        une règle


blanc/blanche etc.



Comparing Christmas in

the UK with France.

vouloir verb=to wish/want

je voudrais I would like

tu voudrais

il/elle voudrait

des cadeaux

des bonbons

Christmas vocab











Vive le sport

Tu aimes le sport?

Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour rester en forme?

Bon pour la santé

Mauvais pour la santé

healthy foods/drinks

les jours de la semaine


Pour rester en forme

J'aime ….

Je n'aime pas…...


Je déteste…..


Je joue/je fais


car c'est…+adj


Je mange/ Je bois….

Je ne mange pas….

Je ne bois pas….

Variety of activities

la natation        le vélo       la danse

l'athlétisme      la voile      le foot/tennis

le badminton

hide and seek= jouer à cache-cache

skipping= sauter à la corde

jouer à la marelle= hop scotch


fruits and vegetables= des fruits et des legumes           sugary things= des sucreries

fatty foods       fizzy drinks

water =de l'eau


variety of foods and drinks

un sandwich au fromage/au jambon

des frites         des chips        une pomme

une orange     une salade     un jus d'orange

une lemonade                        de l'eau

un coca           un thé             un café au lait



Au café


Qu'est-ce que tu as mangé au café?

Qu'est-ce que tu as bu au café?

J'ai mangé…...

J'ai bu…....

(introduction to the perfect tense)

il a mangé….

elle a mangé…..

il a bu…..

elle a bu….

(Revision of all foods and drinks above)


le week-end dernier

la semaine dernière


lundi dernier etc.

all days of the week




Year B



Revision of greetings  /ça va /


s'appeler (1, 2, 3)

ça va (très) bien  / (très) mal / comme ci comme ça

bonjour / salut /bonsoir / au revoir

numbers (1-20)

Ç (cedilla making the "C " soft)



Tu as quel âge?

Avoir verb


J'ai.... ans

il a... ans

elle a... ans.


ai sound

ans (no s in pronunciation)


La Coupe du Monde

Il a / elle a quel âge?

(Rugby players )

Where are the host cities


What countries are taking part.

Il a..

Elle a...

Points of

the compass

Il y a ......

Numbers 21-31


Dans le nord, l'est, le sud, l'ouest

Dans le nord-est, le sud-est,

le sud-ouest, le nord-ouest.

20 countries




Learning halloween vocab

Introduction to clothes

(Saying what you're going to wear)

J'aime /Je n'aime pas..

Je vais porter….....

(future tense)

colours + noun agreement


car c'est


un pantalon noir

une jupe noire

une robe noire


effrayant, nul, amusant

l'araignée, la citrouille, la toile, la bougie,

la sorcière, la lune, la chauve-souris, le balai,

le squelette, le chapeau, le chat, le fantôme,

les bonbons, les sucettes.



Où j'habite

Saying where you live

and looking at other countries

on the world map.

Revision of colours with flags

J'habite en…/au…/aux….





silent "h"



Christmas in France

Le Sapin de Noël

Decorating the home

Revision of colours

vouloir verb=to wish/want

je voudrais I would like

tu voudrais

il/elle voudrait

des cadeaux

des bonbons

Christmas vocab





Ma Famille

Talking about who's in your family

Describing a famous family

Saying their name and age

(siblings' ages)

Possessive adjectives

Mon, Ma, Mes


il / elle s'appelle...

il / elle a ....ans


family members

mon père         ma mère                mon frère                     ma soeur           mon beau-père    ma belle-mère

mon demi-frère             ma demi-soeur



Joyeuses Pâques!

Comparing Easter in the UK to France

Revision of J'aime/Je n'aime pas


Tu aimes..?


les poules                     les oeufs en chocolat

les poussins                  le chocolat

les lapins                      les bonbons

la chasse aux oeufs      les agneaux les cloches

les pâquerettes




Le Corps

Describing yourself

physical descriptions

hair colour / eye colour/ height


être verb           Je suis

tu es                  il/ elle est

Position of adjectives

Agreement of adjectives.

avoir verb        J'ai..

il a …                 elle a ….

Parts of body- la tête, les épaules, les genoux, les pieds etc


de taille Moyenne     petit(e) grand(e)

paresseux (se)           drôle, sympa, méchant etc.


les cheveux longs/courts/blonds etc

les yeux marron/verts/bleus etc (revision of colours)









Year A








Vive le sport

Tu aimes le sport?

Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour rester en forme?

Bon pour la santé

Mauvais pour la santé

healthy foods/drinks

J'aime /Je n'aime pas….

J'adore / Je déteste…


car c'est +adj


Je joue/je fais

Variety of activities

 la natation     le vélo

la danse


la voile

le foot/tennis

le badminton

hide and seek= jouer à cache-cache

skipping= sauter à la corde

jouer à la marelle= hop scotch


La nourriture


Je mange / Je bois…..

Je ne mange pas

Je ne bois pas

fruits and vegetables= des fruits et des légumes

sugary things= des sucreries

fatty foods

fizzy drinks

water =de l'eau


Ma ville

Saying what there is and isn't in your town

Describing your town

Il y a…

Il n'y a pas de….


Ma ville est….

Ma ville n'est pas…

un cinéma, un hôtel, un hôpital,

poste, banque, bibliothèque


petite, grande, historique, touristique, industrielle, tranquille, bruyante



un peu




silent "h"







é    è

Joyeuses Pâques!

Comparing Easter in the UK to France

Learning Easter vocab


Tu aimes..?

les oeufs en chocolat

le chocolat

les bonbons

les lapins

les cloches etc.

un oeuf  / les oeufs


Ma maison

Talking about the rooms in your house

Revision of numbers, colours

Revision of il y a../il n'y a pas de…

il y a…

il n'y a pas de…

rooms                            la salle de bains

le salon                          la cuisine

la chambre                    le bureau

la salle à manger          en haut/ en bas

le jardin


Ma chambre

Describing your bedroom

il y a..

il n'y a pas de…

je voudrais….


Je n'ai pas de…....

les meubles (un / une / des)

no "un" or "une"



no "un" or "une"


Mes Vacances

Saying where you go on holiday

Je vais en / au /aux

Je vais aller…...

(future tense)

les pays               en France                en Grèce

en Suisse            en Allemagne         en Irlande

en Angleterre    en Espagne             en Italie

au Pays de Galles                               au Portugal

aux États-Unis

en / au /aux

Saying with whom you go

Je vais avec

Je vais aller avec…..

Ma famille         ma mère                 mon père

mes frères         mes soeurs etc.


Saying how you travel there

Je voyage en…..

Je vais voyager en….


Je vais voyager à

avion                 autobus / car         voiture

bateau              Eurostar


vélo                  moto


Saying what clothes you're going to take


(Dans ma valise)

Je prends

Je vais prendre…

(future tense)

des vêtements

mon maillot de bain

mes lunettes de soleil etc.



Year B



Ça va? / comment t'appelles-tu?

Quel âge as-tu?

Où habites-tu?

s'appeler (Je / tu / il /elle)

avoir (J'ai ../tu as../il a ../elle a ..)

J'habite à …en Angleterre

tu habites à…..

il habite / elle habite à.....

ça va (très) bien / mal

numbers 1-20

countries (10 max)


La coupe du Monde 2023

Il a / elle a quel âge?

(Rugby players )


Where are the host cities

located.  Points of

the compass


What countries are taking part.  Il y a ......

Dans le nord, l'est, le sud, l'ouest

Dans le nord-est, le sud-est,

le sud-ouest, le nord-ouest.


20 countries




Learning halloween vocab

Introduction to clothes

(Saying what you're going to wear)

J'aime /Je n'aime pas..

Je vais porter….....

(future tense)



agreement of nouns.

car c'est

l'halloween    l'araignée, la citrouille, la toile, la bougie,

un pantalon noir, la sorcière, la lune, la chauve-souris, le balai,

une jupe noire, le squelette, le chapeau, le chat, le fantôme,

une robe noire, les bonbons, les sucettes.


effrayant, nul, amusant                               


Le Corps

Describing yourself

physical descriptions

hair colour / eye colour/ height


être verb

Je suis

tu es

il/ elle est

Position of adjectives

Agreement of adjectives


avoir verb


il a …

elle a ….

Parts of body- la tête, les épaules, les genoux, les pieds etc


de taille moyenne

petit(e) grand(e)

paresseux (se)

drôle, sympa, méchant etc.


les cheveux longs/courts/blonds etc

les yeux marron/verts/bleus etc

(revision of colours)



Les Pays


Les vacances

Saying where you would like to go on holiday


Saying how you would like to travel there


Saying where you would like to stay on holiday

Je voudrais aller au / en / aux

vouloir verb +infinitive

vouloir verb (je / tu / il / elle )


Je voudrais voyager en...


Je voudrais rester ..

Revision of some countries

new countries


various modes of transport

en avion / en bateau / en train / en car / en voiture / à vélo / à moto


dans un hôtel / dans un camping / dans un gîte

dans une auberge de jeunesse



Christmas in France

Le Sapin de Noël

Decorating the home

Revision of colours

vouloir verb=to wish/want

je voudrais I would like

tu voudrais

il/elle voudrait

des cadeaux

des bonbons

Christmas vocab



J'aime porter....

Saying what you like/ don't like wearing

J'aime + verb in infinitive

(Je n'aime pas / J'adore/ Je déteste porter...)


le week-end je vais porter......

il va porter...

elle va porter.....

(future tense)

les vêtements

un jean, un pull, un t-shirt, un sweat, un pantalon, un chemisier, un chapeau,

un manteau, une jupe, une veste, une chemise, une écharpe, une robe

des gants


Joyeuses Pâques!!

Comparing Easter in France and here


Designing an egg hunt with instructions in French

En France…...mais en Angleterre…...


Imperative forms of verbs

Easter vocab

Cherchez / Suivez / Évitez etc.



les planètes

Describing the planets physically

Saying how far they are from the sun

(using big numbers!!)

être verb

près de / loin de


position of adjectives

(grand / petit) exceptions

adjectives including a revision of colours

all the planets

numbers 1-10,000


Quel temps fait-il en France?

Describing the weather in France

Looking at the map of France and stating the

weather in the main cities there.



Looking at the weather on the different planets!!

il fait ….

(faire verb with weather)

il fait du soleil / il fait beau etc.


MFL Assessment








  • They can listen to and enjoy and short rhymes and songs.


  • They can recognise and say short words and phrases about taught topics.


  • They can communicate with their peers and teacher using simple words and short phrases.


  • They can ask and answer questions using language taught in the various topics.
  • They can read and understand familiar words, including instructions, short phrases and sentences.


  • They can use these when playing games in pairs and/or in groups.
  • They can write familiar words, phrases and longer sentences including opinions and reasons with the help of picture prompts.


  • They can use connectives and negative forms of the verb.
  • They can use noun and gender, indefinite and definite article.
  • They can use the first, second and third person of certain verbs such as ‘s’appeler’ and ‘avoir’ with age. Use of negatives, e.g je n’ai pas d’animal à la maison. Use of vb +infinitive, e.g J’aime aller à l’école car c’est.......


  • They can listen to and enjoy longer rhymes and songs.


  • They can recognise familiar language and deduce the meaning of new words using cognates, context and clues.
  • They can communicate with increasing confidence, using new language and sometimes recalling previously learnt structures and phrases.


  • They are starting to use more than one tense.
  • They can read and understand longer pieces of writing, picking out key words to help understanding even if not every word is understood.
  • They can write a paragraph in the target language (with the help of a frame) incorporating many grammatical structures previously learnt along with another tense, e.g La semaine dernière, je suis allé(e) au restaurant avec ma famille et j’ai mangé....
  • They understand better the concept of adjectival agreements e.g Dans ma trousse j’ai une règle bleue.


  • They can use possessive adjectives with birthdays, e.g mon, ton, son anniversaire. More negatives, e.g je n’ai ni frères ni sœurs. They can give an explanation of œ sound. They can begin to use the perfect tense with food.



  • They can listen to and understand longer often authentic paragraphs, containing new cognates and previously learnt vocabulary.
  • They can use previously learnt language with new topics to create short conversations. Often responding with opinions and reasons. Using also at least two different tenses.
  • They can read longer passages containing some unfamiliar words using context and cognates to help understanding along with bilingual dictionaries.
  • They can write paragraphs bringing together new and previously learnt language. Incorporating many grammatical structures including first, third person verb conjugations, connectives, negatives, perfect tense, future and/ or conditional tenses.
  • They can consolidate previously covered grammatical structures and tenses, along with new grammatical concepts such as Il y a.. / Il n’y a pas de... Full verb conjugations of “avoir” and “être”.
  • They can begin to use conditional, e.g ma chambre idéale serait....


MFL Vocabulary



Year A

Autumn, Spring, Summer

Year B

Autumn, Spring, Summer


See Progression Document

See Progression Document


See Progression Document

See Progression Document


See Progression Document

See Progression Document